Friday 31 May 2013

A Letter To No One Or Everyone (Sooooooo Dramatic)

If my life was a movie this would be the start of something very special. As it stands this may be the one and only post I ever write. I fully recognize that the chances of this being read by anyone but me are almost non existent but just in case you have stumbled onto this weird stream of consciousness....

Hi, how are you? Please, I beg you keep reading.

As the title of this blog suggests I procrastinate a lot. In fact the only reason why i am doing this blog is because i should be studying right now. Plus I have always fancied myself to be a writer and just for the record I also live and breath anything to do with acting. But I am a realist and have decided to be practical in my occupational choices.

Anyway the hope is that I will post things of interest, hopefully funny but i make no promises, hopefully intelligent but i wouldn't bet on it and maybe a genius idea or two.
The content may prove to be full of cliches and continuously repetitive but hey one has to try these things.

Also I would like to make it clear that THIS IS NOT A DIARY!!!!!!!!

I have no idea how long these things are meant to be so I will stop now. Well soon anyway, I babble in real life to rapidly jumping from one idea to the other never really getting anywhere useful.

This originally started as my illegible handwriting in a mysterious looking notebook and i promise it was much better than what i have just typed but I didn't really want to copy it. Computers aren't really my thing but the idea that a person that I don't know could read this kinda appealed. I know it sounds weird but if by some chance I did write something of value I would like someone to read it. Read it without their already established opinion of me from getting in the way.

I'm almost reluctant to post this because in a few years from now i might actually read it and be horrified about what i willing posted on the internet for the world to see.
But here goes.