Tuesday 17 September 2013

Real Time, Past Tense

So, I just had a test and missed the train I wanted to catch. Unfortunately the test didn't go so well. I mean it wasn't a complete disaster I just know of some definite mistakes and wish I had done better. Plus I have a cold so Yay. Now the purpose of this is not as a diary but I have more time than I first anticipated before I get home and didn't want to waste it doing nothing. It’s funny, ironic, sad:  I will happily waste all the time in the world when I have important stuff I have to do but now when it would be perfectly acceptable for me to just relax for a moment I desperately want to do something useful, but I bet if I actually had a relevant textbook in my bag the desire to act in a useful manner would be gone. I suppose what I really want is to distract myself from thinking about the test and everything I could have got wrong.

Anyway my next post was long overdue and I wouldn't want to keep my repeat readers waiting too long. (Please note the sarcasm; in fact maybe I should use a different font for sarcasm; but I would probably get lazy and use it inconsistently and the action would be meaningless, so for now let’s just leave it with me almost always pointing out the sarcasm in a way that any wit or humour it ever contained is lost, like when you have a joke explained to you. Maybe you think I’m insulting your intelligence when really I am just mocking my own blog by seeming full of myself.)

Back to the present, just a tip: if you are trying to catch a train from Britomart to Papakura or Pukekohe they no longer say “Papakura or Pukekohe via New Market or Silvia Park” they now say “Otahuhu via New Market or Silvia Park” I don’t know how long it has been like that but I just realised tonight. (To anyone who stumbles across this blog and does not live in New Zealand I apologise for that useless piece of information.)

What I intended to do at one point was write a post about the trials of group assignments but any decent human being would pull their weight in a group assignment so they would also understand the pain of being in a group with a less than decent human. And if you are one of the less than decent human beings: I HATE YOU. Please for the love of all things good in the world find a brain and get your life together.

OK so forget what I said about the train, until further notice after a certain time in the evening they just kick you off at Otahuhu and you have to get on a bus the rest of the way. Oh the joy of public transport.

So, that was as far as I got last night with my post, I was experimenting with the writing in real time idea as opposed to just sitting in front of the computer and thinking “OK brain, go! Hello? Brain? You got anything?” Unfortunately life got in the way, I found someone I knew on the bus and it seemed odd to ignore them and continue with my super-secret blog post. So now I suppose we will never get to know just what else I would have said about group work as the moment has passed. I was also going to write about friendship and why some people I know are good ones. Which I know is more sentimental than my usual cynicism but I just had a weekend surrounded by some pretty great people. Anyway it will have to be another time as I have another test to study for and textbook chapters I should have read but haven’t.

Now to think of a name for this post…