Monday 30 December 2013

One For December: Uninspired Yet Hopefully Unoffensive

So it's the last day in December and I thought I better post. Not like as an end of year reflection thing but as a if i can't post at least once a month can I really claim to have a blog? type of thing.

Today's topic is what would be considered a first world problem: Falling out of love with one of your favorite TV shows. Now with my addictive personality (where i get addicted to things very easily) I follow quite a few shows and had put off watching the majority until after exams which has been quite lovely and I am super excited for the season premier of a certain show on Jan 1st (if you watch the show you will know its name). But there is one show that is just missing the mark for me in its second season.

Now do I keep watching out of loyalty in the hope that it will get better? Or, do I cut my losses and just remember the good times we spent together? I mean in all honesty I feel a bit like the show misrepresents the book it claims to be based on. But if you view it as a separate entity its not half bad.

I mean maybe its a good thing that I can take or leave the show. As much as I like to find a show I love, the post binge watch low is less than ideal.

I recently gave up on a book series that by the 4th book was actually painful to read. I stopped caring whether it was award winning or not or even the fact that I had already invested 3 novels of time into these characters lives. For me that was quite an achievement, usually i just suffer through to the end, mostly just so I can give it a 1 star rating on Goodreads.

I shall now continue the trend and give up on this very uninspired post. I will post it anyway; if anything it proves not all of my posts are horrifically long.

I'm going camping tomorrow, hopefully that will lead to an interesting story.