Thursday 2 January 2014

The Perils of Basing an Anonymous Blog Post on Family Focused Experiences

For all my previous statements about my inability to write a post of the appropriate length I almost feel that it would be a cop out to write a short one. Don’t get me wrong I do recognise that in general society today has a short attention span and I do not for a second assume that anything I write will change that. It’s just I am known for my struggle to fit within word limits and I think that if ever there is a place where it is appropriate to waffle on without a clear direction or point then it would have to be in a blog. I mean people are under now compulsion to read what I type (unless of course you are one of the two people whom I nag until you read it, sorry, but your feedback is appreciated) and it is not like you have to read 100 of them and grade them like assignments, until 2am every night sooo I shall do as I please.

For some reason I had previously thought that you should only post something that would not be appropriate to put on twitter or Facebook. But that is complete rubbish now that I think about it. Yes twitter has a character limit and Facebook is where anything longer than a 1 paragraph rant or story or 2 paragraphs of sentiment is generally looked down upon (but please do not let my irrational rules stop you). But just because a blog is where you can go on for pages does not mean that I couldn't put up one the length of an average status update or what would be a twitter post if I had twitter. I mean if it fits with what I want the blog to be about then why not? Unfortunately I have yet to solidify what it actually is that my blog is about (unless you count that specific indecision). I kinda think that I would like to try a few stylised posts and I am constantly holding myself back from turning this into a TV/movie/actor review/fan site the main reason for which I don’t want to be seen criticizing the hard work of others and also I’m sure we have all had the experience of re-watching a movie we just loved 2 year ago and wondering what on earth did we ever see in it. That is not something I want the world to see. But hey, it seems I am in the habit if breaking my rules so who know maybe the odd review or discussion for variety my pop up.

I am also debating whether to post up links to pictures/music/clips that I like or are related to the post but this debate is still in its very early stages and I make no promises that anything will eventuate from it.
Now I started this post with a discussion on blog post lengths because I anticipated it was going to be the first short one. And once again, well it isn't. Which if I am going to be completely honest im kinda happy about, but im also glad that I no longer feel compelled to write long ones (even though I was always trying to keep them short). OK we have reached the point in the post where I lose the ability to make sense and everyone starts to wonder whether I even understand what I am talking about.

Anyway the reason why I anticipated a short post was because I promised one about my camping trip (and I will continued to call it a camping trip even though it was one night). However the thing about camping with family is that most stories are only funny because you know the people, moments are full of inside jokes and don’t really work for an anonymous blog. To begin with the location of said camping trip was “The Island” which is a real island but it has a weird name so it is known to most by the above movie reference. Now I don’t really feel like explaining the particulars of the location because the short explanation makes it sound more exotic than it is and the long one makes it sound worse than it is (if you know me, most likely you will know about “The Island” and if you don’t please ask). Secondly if I told you that the highlight of the trip was sitting around a campfire, roasting marshmallows, trying to read Oscar Wilde (well me anyway) and comparing each-others scores to the AQ test for Autism (which is a test I think everyone should take just out of interest) well you would think my family was weird; which quite frankly I would not dispute but would counter argue that everyone’s family is. To quote my auntie “normal is just a setting on a washing machine”. The thing is if you knew my family the above stated activity would not surprise you in the slightest.

So if I can’t tell you about where I went camping, none of the stories make sense and you have no interest in me telling you about my opinions on the first time I have read any of Oscar Wilde’s works then you can see it makes for a rather short post.

But of course it is not a short post and if you are still with me and have not fallen asleep or left this blog in favour of another cute cat video on YouTube or other more interesting web based content than I thank and congratulate you; for you my friend are among a very select few.