Thursday 23 October 2014

Good Titles Take Effort

So, today was the last day of lectures, my first exam is in a week and I have a cold. So, in other words it is time to write a blog post. Don’t get me wrong I have been meaning to post for some time but with all the crazy deadline happening and me trying to get at least some sleep the deal became, watch an episode of TV or write a post you are not even sure you will like. And we all know how much I love my TV. So yeah, sorry to neglect you.

And it is not just that I have been meaning to post in general but I have been meaning to do this post. It intends to be more serious than usual.

So, I suffer from depression. I mean if you have been reading these or know me that probably isn’t a surprise to you, it’s not to me. I haven’t exactly been the shining light of positivity in these things. But, it’s official now. I got to a point where you decide that you can’t carry on with things the way they are. You tried but you just feel broken and life should not be this painful for this long.

Which means I’m not just a miserable human I have an illness.

Now this is the point that I look at what I have just typed and ask? Do I really want people to see this? And the answer is no, not really. Why? Because I don’t want to feel the way I do. It’s not nice. I don’t feel good about myself and I don’t want people to judge me on the person I am when I am sad and tired and stressed.

But this is my blog and while I promised it wouldn’t be a diary this is what is currently going on in my life right now. And it kind of affects my blog because it changes the tone of what I write so I suppose I’m just giving you some context. For example the whole goal this a few weeks back.

I also want to point out a couple of things (Disclaimer the following points a purely based on my own experiences and are not intended to apply to anyone else). Firstly, TV, and the internet and social media all say this if you are feeling down for an unusually long period of time and aren’t coping you should seek help. Now, I just want to point out that I am totally for that. You should get help, if you ask and people won’t give it to you ask someone else until you get what you need. Yes, yes, yes seek help (Side point you should preferably do this sooner than I did, all those questionnaires say to think about how you have felt over the past two weeks, so when you can’t remember the last time you didn’t fell down you have probably left it longer than ideal). But, what I do want to point out is that they don’t tell you anything about what happens after. Because that is where things get tough. The thing is as much as you want it to life doesn’t just stop, you cant just throw up your hands and say I am sick I am going to act like a sick person. Well I couldn’t anyway I had full time uni to do. What happens is that now you have to do everything you were doing before and feeling overwhelmed and also do other things and have appointments ect, treatment takes time and effort and energy which is tough if your symptoms include low motivation, fatigue and feelings of hopelessness and sadness.

There are other things to, like the stigma around depression or mental illness in general. Now, this isn’t a tirade against society or anything I’m simply saying that for some reason mental illness tends to get treated differently to other illness. And, it should be treated different because it is different but I don’t think it is being treated different in a good way. But then maybe the issue is partly with myself. Because it has taken me a long time to accept that I am sick and not just lazy and useless. So if I have been struggling with that for a while can a really expect people to be any different. Even so I think there is still a bit of shame attached to having a mental illness  and that maybe people could treat those who are depressed in a more supportive and better way. I feel that if I have to ask for special consideration I am ‘playing the depression card’ that I have to constantly justify that I am actually sick.

But, there are some interesting things to. Like when you are getting help for depression everyone is suddenly interested in and asking about your breathing. Because apparently there is a right way to breath and a lot of people get it wrong. It also takes training and practice to get your technique just right. Now this to me seems really weird, it’s like asking someone how their walking technique is going. If they are over the age of two,  of average health and not competing in the Olympic games in the walking event (the discussion regarding how weird this event is to watch will have to be postponed to another day but I it begs to be had) walking is not something you have to consciously work on. Now considering that if you don’t breathe you die, I had assumed that if I was still in a state to be asked the question of how my breathing was going and not suffering from asthma I didn’t have a problem. I was wrong.

So, this has been exhausting, I hope I haven’t said anything that upsets anybody. It wasn’t meant to. It is simply a stream of consciousness of perhaps sweeping generalizations regarding what I am experiencing right now and I want to be ok with what I have posted.

Stay awesome.