Tuesday 17 February 2015

If I Had Posted

Well it’s that time again. I find myself post exam with only a bag full of notes on a subject I would rather not think about for a while, a computer and 40 minutes to kill.

So, summer school was a thing that happened. And the lack of posts should not be attributed to a lack of ideas rather I would say it was caused by a lack of follow-through for any activity requiring the engagement of one’s brain that is not entirely essential for the passing of papers.

In saying that it could have been a lot worse. Word of advice: only consider full time summer school if you do not require sleep to function optimally and have absolutely no other commitments (I would also suggest that before one undertake such an endeavour they secure the services of a cook, cleaner and a P.A). Because half the papers in half the time does not (as one might expect) equal the same workload. But, one paper, one is completely doable.

Now if I had posted I could have told you about the awkwardness of sitting in lecture that talked about blogs (note: uni paper subject was computer science) and how the advice was that you should only start a blog if you have something important to say because there probably already exists a better one for the desired niche. And you sit there thinking of your blog neglected by both author and readers, full of bad grammar, self-consciousness and some under-developed rants. But the lecture also said that you will be able to find an audience for anything online purely because of the number of people on it. No this is important because what this means peoples is that somewhere out there in this crazy world of ours is at least one person who would read this post and actually enjoy it. Later lectures touched on how unlikely it would be that this person would ever find my blog in the plethora of other pages on the Internet but I will choose to ignore that point just now.

Additionally if I had posted I could have told you about how I Insert Name Here managed to elevate this this blog from the classification of procrastinatory activity to useful endeavour. Now obviously this is a gross exaggeration but I will elaborate. For a task in this paper we had to make a power-point presentation and a small website about ourselves. Naturally it was at that precise moment that my brain decided to forget everything remotely interesting there is about me. So in a desperate attempt to not be boring I grabbed a few quotes from my blog and just shoved then in there. Which means this blog will have now directly contributed to my degree.  So basically we can now justify that anything that may possibly be useful in future is not procrastinating. And since we can never really tell what might be useful in the future then nothing is procrastinating, we are simply preparing for a very unlikely and currently unforeseen future occurrence. Now this may be at the expense of other more pressing matters but hey such is life.

If I had posted I could have also told you about a strange phase where I decided that it was time I became acquainted with the early works of Marlon Brando to figure out if I liked his style of acting or not. Yeah, actually it’s probably for the best that I didn’t post about that. These things are almost never as simple as they seem when you start out.

I will leave you now with one last thought. A staff member at university recently told me that the brain does most of it consolidating regarding learning when we are not actually thinking about the subject. So next time when you find yourself procrastinating you can say to yourself (or others) the following: “I am not procrastinating, I am simply giving my brain a chance to consolidate the information I have learnt.” Now of course I would advocate actually not procrastinating over almost anything else. But, what I don’t advocate is excessive guilt because that never helped anybody.

Note: Not that it matters or that you care but in the interest of honesty I feel the need to confess that I did not actually write all this in the said 40mins killable time. Life happened I and I have to pick up where I left off the next day and the day after that. But it’s not like there is a rule that says post has to be written in one sitting.