Wednesday 6 July 2016

A Bit Boring, But Lets Face it I'm Out of Practice

The awkward moment when you some what doubtfully post a to be continued and then completely ignore the existence of your blog for almost a year.


So it goes without saying but I lot has happened since I last posted. I had a supper crazy semester of uni (who new I actually needed my year 13 calculus?) in which I actually managed to manage my stress levels (probably not compared to most people, but lets face it I have never been most people). Summer happened (actually nothing to elaborate on in that area). Summer school happened and I wondered what high school teachers didn't bother to teach us why the content they forced us to learn actually mattered (Because actually Chemistry is AWESOME!!! Too bad I was on the last paper for my commerce degree).

Finished uni (Yay). Started job hunting (YUCK). Graduated (Yay!). Job hunted some more (double YUCK). And as of three days ago GOT JOB (double Yay).

And that was my year.

That was fun, lets do this again sometime, maybe next year????

But actually.....

A year of my life happened and blog wise I have nothing to show for it. Blogs were planned but not written, I small few were even written but not posted. The fear I intended to elaborate on last year what that sometimes I feel that to record one thing I will then have to record everything. Its like I haven't yet accepted that a blog is a series of snapshots and not a comprehensive summary of my life. But what if the snapshots I make create a story that doesn't match with life?

So in the last year life happened and quite frankly I didn't really have the desire to blog about it (which is absurd considering how much I actually like the ones I have written even if I wasn't so hot on them at the time of writing). So on I day when I realize sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own lives we don't see that other people need us in the fear that blogger will assume I have abandoned my blog and delete it I am back.

So aside from a series of milestones here is what happened in the last year. There were hellish days, there were good days and every kind of day in between. Friends made and lost. Progress made and lost. Shows devoured and shows abandoned. Songs loved and hated. Procrastination, tears, arguments, tantrums. Goods ideas, giggles, witty comments and head palm moments. Self conscious, overthinking, irrational, crazy. Learning content and skills. Character building, character writing. Pleasant surprises, bitter disappointment. Time wasted and time used to the full. Life happened and time passed and things changed.

So while it would be nice to think that this will be the the start of some magical inspiring story where an anonymous blogger actually blogs and things get lifted from mundane reality to that something more I used to hope for, maybe for now we will just accept mediocrity. I don't mean that things are bad or boring (at least not all the time) just that my current pursuits aren't typically blog worthy.

I will  just have to trust you to trust me that even when I don't post life is still happening and sometimes I like it more than others.

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