Saturday 1 February 2014

Synonyms for Irrational: Illogical, Unreasonable, Foolish, Crazy, Ridiculous, Absurd and Silly

So I tried to set up a twitter account yesterday. Now if you view twitter as a ‘blog in miniature’ then that was a really silly idea. But I can explain, really I can, I think. Twitter has never been a big part of my life in fact before December last year I can remember only two instances in the whole life of twitter where I actually looked up someone’s profile. Now I will admit to having several times planned what I would post had I an account but it was something that I dismissed as ones of those things that would either consume my life or become just another unaccomplished fad in my typical all or nothing way. Much like my initial but slowly waning fears for the future of this blog; but I was at a different point in my life.

Now I believe that in my previous post I discussed at length my inability to be concise in my written expressions (my year 13 English teacher would be horrified by how over-written this post appears to be, but it must just be one of those days). As a side point you may or may not have noticed that there is not a short description under the title of my blog. I didn’t really feel that it was needed but the empty space that it left in the layout was annoying me so I tried to add something that wasn't completely ridiculous. And it took me ages. So in its design twitter probably wouldn't be my thing. Especially after I had just decided it was ok for me to just post up whatever I wanted on this blog. Now the thought did pass over my mind that maybe if I had a twitter and forced myself to post at least once a day then there would be some benefit. But really who am I kidding if I can barely get my life together enough to post on this thing. Plus I don’t want to be seen as one of those people who are so conceited that they think that people are actually interested in a running commentary of their lives. Which is stupid because I don’t think that about any twitter or blog I follow and depending on the person actually find said running commentary rather entertaining.

So the question must be asked after all of the above why was I considering a twitter account?

Well in December I went to the concert of one of my favorite bands and after the concert out of curiosity I looked them up on twitter. Now I regularly look up the posts of that band and 3 actors, plus after watching the episodes of that television program I was supper excited about airing in the first two weeks of 2014 I searched what people were saying about it on twitter and found some entertainment in their reactions.

I like the fact that the people can control what they tell the world about them, it makes them seen more like real people and not the celebrities they are build up as being. While I will happily flick through a trashy celebrity magazine while sitting in the waiting room for an appointment I don’t like the idea of fame and celebrities; caring about what someone wears, what they weigh or what they name their baby just because they are more visible as a necessity to their chosen occupation. In saying that I am not immune to being a fangirl. It’s difficult to not be a complete hypocrite in this area as since I am interested in acting and movies/tv/theatre naturally I am interested in the actors. I like knowing what makes them tick and finding out what there next project it.

Now I can enjoy that on twitter without having an account and being included in the number of followers the person has but as a blogger I realise that like the number of page views I get on my blog the number of followers a person has on twitter is not just a number, it's a sign that people are interested in what I am saying. And if I like the actor/band etc enough why should I not want to be included in that number. Especially since people can be so mean to actors and the like seemingly just because they can so I would like to think that this was some way I could show support to the ones i like.
That kinda makes a point about anonymous blogging in a way. See I look up the accounts of visible people because I already know a small bit about them and want to know more but it’s not like we will meet through a friend of a friend unless of course my friends have been holding out on me in regards to their social contacts. But the point is if I ran across the same posts anonymously would I still care enough to read it. In the context of actors this doesn't quite work but if it was a comedian who just posted about normal thing in an interesting way then it begs the question: "is it what is being said or rather who is saying it that matters?" Of course we know what we want the answer to be but I suppose it is just about exposure which unless you are posting something scandalous (by which i mean of high public or niche interest) is difficult to get whilst still trying to maintain anonymity. 

Anyway back to the twitter debacle; I kinda like the idea of finding a way to have both a blog and a twitter that are linked so that they are separate but not since I’m still not quite used to the idea of doing twitter like posts on this blog (which if I am going to be brutally honest is due to the fact that I have not thought of anything inspired enough of the appropriate length which is not the fault of my chosen communication method).

Typing it all out now it doesn't make a lot of sense and I suppose that is why my first sentence was “So I tried to set up a twitter account yesterday” and not “So I set up a twitter account yesterday.” That happened because the main twitter page for signing up made it look like you needed a smartphone to have an account now which I don’t have and so at that first obstacle I gave up and instead developed the intention of writing a post about being behind the times in technology.

But when I sat down to write this I decided to check again and as it turns out I don’t need a smartphone for it. However I do need one for Instagram unless I am again mistaken. Now the thing about the Instagram one is that it is getting to the point where if you don’t have it you can be seen as a bit of a nuisance because you haven’t seen what your friends have posted so even if I was to never put up any pics myself being able to see what my friends put up would be nice.

The thing is being up to date with technology has never really been my priority I just care about being able to do what I need  and not the maths jargon or actual hardware details. I suppose that financial constraints have made this attitude a necessity but I don’t want to ever feel that what I have is the same as who I am and I’m not really ready to spend 2 weeks’ pay on a phone.

Yes that’s right I have employment. Which is quite an achievement considering that a year ago I couldn't even get a job at McDonald's (fyi my current job is not at McD's either).  Now blogs and employment are not two things I plan to mix other than to point out that full time work really does take up a large amount of a person’s day and since I won't be posting about it than that leaves little time for me to do other things to post about (just making excuses here as I really am just scared that if I couldn't think of something interesting to post about when I was on holiday how will I now).

So the end result is that I was going to get twitter but didn't because I thought I couldn't but have since realised that I can so now need to decide if I will knowing that if I did I would probably never use it anyway.

Wow what a whole lot of nothing but I took the time to type it so on to the internet it goes.

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