Friday 5 September 2014

Academic Bitterness and Uncharted Topics

So I am writing a post,
Which means I have just finished a university test a mid-term to be exact. It also means that I would rather not dwell on how it went but I suppose it could have gone worse. Today is August 30th (putting in the date because I probably won’t upload this today and I think you can actually manually change the post date on blogger but I really can’t be bothered) now for those in the know about the University of Auckland you may be wondering why I have just finished a test. Isn’t it the first day of mid semester break and also a Saturday? Yes, yes it is. They can schedule a mid-term during mid semester on the weekend? Can they yes, should they? Well that is certainly debatable. I mean if it had been any earlier I would have been even less prepared but then again IT A SATURDAY MORNING DURING BREAK and I had to post pone my holiday for it. And by holiday I mean a week of doing uni work at a location other than uni or home. Hopefully with a day of snowboarding or two.

Interestingly the only non uni book I have to read over break is about people going to university, not some soppy gossipy one, it’s actually a really good dystopian series. But really if I want a distraction from uni, reading about these people going to classes and studying for test won’t be the most effective thing. Then again if these people fail they die sometimes rather violently so maybe it puts real uni into perspective. It’s still awful though death penalty or not. Today there were kids in their last year of high school touring the campus. They were so excited and hopeful. Seriously there is nothing that can prepare you for the real experience the exhaustion, the stress, the frustration, the agony and disappointment. But at high school they don’t even try to tell you the real story. They pervade this myth that you will find your passion and be in control of your education, that if you work hard you can have a life and still get good grades. It’s not like that. Notice how they didn’t mention sleep anywhere in that. That’s because you basically give sleep up.  Oh the bitterness I can express when given half the chance. It’s worrying.

Anyway. I had meant to do another goal motivated post but I had nothing to say then by the time I did life was crazy busy  and I was pulling 12 hour days of solid uni work and it just didn’t happen. But, now that I have a spare moment I think it is time that society addressed the bizarre experience of laser hair removal. Because if a semi anonymous blog is not the place to embarrass oneself regarding generally personal matters I don’t know where it. So I have gone to multiple places and I have to admit the experience is different depending on the person who does it they place and the type of machine they use  but essentially this is how it goes. You walk into the room that gives the impression that you are about to be the patient of a medical procedure rather than anything beauty salon related. It is freezing cold to keep the laser happy and you strip down to your underwear. You then get on the treatment table and have googles placed on you so you cannot see a thing. Then you are zapped with a laser, AND IT FREAKING HURTS.  I mean the fact that it is a laser should have been a hint but some people have the audacity to tell you it doesn’t hurt, I have also been told “if it doesn’t hurt it is not working”. The icing on the cake is that you actually PAY SOMEONE to do this to you. With a little bit of imagination the whole thing is like you have been discovered as an enemy agent across the border during wartime and are being tortured for information. I have discovered I would make a very bad spy. So yeah very weird.

On that note, I shall leave you, I am about to reach my trains stop and I have run out of things to say.

Till next time.

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