Friday 8 August 2014

What is More Worrying? The Fact That I Wrote This or the Fact That I am Willingly Putting it on the Internet?

I made a goal the other day that I would post on this blog. I have never been a goal kind of person. Having to write some at the beginning of every term at primary school is something I almost dreaded. You see writing something down makes it concrete, you wanted to achieve something, and if you don’t achieve it than it is harder to brush it off. That’s way people say you should write goals down because than you will be more likely to actually do something about it. And if you make it time bound than you really can’t procrastinate. It isn’t that I don’t have goals; people have described me as ‘driven’ and I don’t think you could be that without goals I just don’t want to write my goals down because I don’t want to feel bad about not achieving them; I don’t like the feeling of them hanging over me. The ironic thing is the only reason I’m posting is so I achieve my goal. So it worked, I knew it would and I am happy that I am posting even if the post is quite a downer I just wish I didn’t have to write a goal in order to achieve it. And this is the point when my argument begins to spiral because I don’t want to admit that sometimes the thing you don’t want to do is actually good for you. So, let’s just call this a teenage moment and move on.

I do have a slight problem though; I really don’t have anything to post about. Now that might not matter in regards to the goal since there was nothing in it regarding the quality of the post but if you want readers quality does kinda help. Yes, I am back at uni. No, it’s not like anybody or television said it would be. Yes, I am stressing. No, I haven’t used my video camera since I went back.

Anyway I can’t really have a post about nothing so I am going to talk about something weird, and then I am going to post it on the internet. Because that doesn’t seem like flawed logic at all (sarcasm, sorry to feel that I have to point it out, unfortunately or actually fortunately as it may be I’m pretty sure you don’t get the hear my voice when you read this so sometimes I worry that maybe that changes the perceived meaning of the things I say). Ok so it is August and there are daffodils and I generally love daffodils. They are just such a happy flower that seems to suddenly appear overnight and I get to walk by a whole bunch of them on my way to uni which improves the walk up a very steep hill significantly. The problem is that elsewhere on campus there are these miniature daffodils,  with multiple tiny flowers on each stem thing (note: not knowledgeable about plant life) and for some reason walking past them makes me irrationally angry. Now if you had asked me a week ago I would have probably said that in the normal course of events it is impossible to hate a flower for no reason. But I really do. They just annoy me and I don’t know why. And that then annoys me more.

Now telling you all this would have been much more interesting if that story had a point or a comical observation at the end but really I’ve got nothing.

But I achieved a goal …so that counts for something … I guess.

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