Friday 4 July 2014

Haphazardly Spelt Words Organised Somewhat Coherently to be Published Forever on the Internet

I must start this post with an apology.

I missed world pyjama day. In fact I completely forgot that I declared it a day at all. Although a just googled it an Australia has two separate pyjama days as part of fundraising for something important but that is not a world pyjama day so yeah, maybe next year. Although blogger thinks that "pyjama" is spelt wrong which explains why my post declaring the day says "Pajama" which google has just told me is the American spelling  and I probably should have googled the spelling the day I wrote that post instead of having the awkward desision now of changing the spelling in this post or the previous or not at all (not at all is winning right now) but it was the first day after exams so I think I can forgive myself. But inconsistent spelling does make it hard to have a world wide day especially if I can't even decide which version to use, technically they are both right. Blogger also thinks "spelt" is spelt wrong, is that right?

I also felt a bit weird about posting my last post. The thing is I wrote it right after my last exam and then left it for a couple of days before proof reading. When you are in exam mode you have all these ideas about the great things you will do once it is over. It is those ideas that get you through it. But then three days go by, you are busy with work and suddenly everything seems sooo difficult, too difficult. Which is sad, but life.

I decided to post it though because it was a true reflection of how I felt at the time just like this shows how I feel now. Plus, I want to be the motivated creative go getter so maybe one day I will read it again and it will be just what I need.

Anyway, my mother read my blog the other day (actually quite a while ago now but that is not really important to the story so "the other day" will suffice but I have a thing about being overly honest). Now I don't mind if she reads it or not, she just hadn't till this point and I had assumed it was intentional. But after the hotel post she looked it up. And found a lot and I mean a lot of issues with spelling, grammar (not so much of an issue as sometimes it is intentional but sometimes it is not and then we have issues), sentences that I seem to have lost interest in half way though and just given up on unfinished etc. Which is very embarrassing. I mean I have always sucked at spelling and spell check is on my list of best friends (don't actually have a list) but I didn't want the internet to know the extent of the problem. I mean how can you expect your blog to be successful if people cannot read it? On, that note how can you expect your blog to be successful if you never tell anyone about it? Or, if you never post on it? Anyway lets cross one bridge at a time. What this did was expose the horrible habit I have of not properly proofreading any of my posts.

Yes that's right even I can't be bothered reading these things in full. So HOW can I expect anyone else to read them???????? To be honest at the time of completion I generally dislike most of my posts so I am afraid that if I read them than I would chicken out of posting and then I would have a file on my computer of things that I spent time writing that no one will ever read and a sadly empty blog. So instead I just try to think of a name that isn't too cringe worthy and press publish. So I guess I am working on the belief that a bad post is better than no post. Which on reflection doesn't really sound like a well thought out system but there are bigger things in the world to worry about. However I now plan on putting a little more effort into the proofreading stage of  this thing and hopefully I will pick up on the worst offenders.

Now, what shall I have for lunch?

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