Thursday 3 July 2014

Hypothetical Confessions to Inanimate Objects and Post Exam Brain Fillers

Hey, blog…
We need to talk. I know that I have been ignoring you lately and I’m sorry. This is tough but you deserve an explanation. There is someone else, well something else. I … I… I I GOT A VIDEO CAMERA OK. There it out, I said it. I got a video camera and instead of using you as a creative outlet I have been using it. I’m considering starting a Vlog.

It’s not you it’s me. I was just so busy studying for exams that I didn’t have time to type out a coherent post, I got frustrated and lonely and when I needed to vent it was there for me. It was so much easier to just talk to it rather than type everything out. I don’t expect you to forgive me. But, I would like to be friends? You and I we have something special that I just can’t get from a Vlog and that’s thinly veiled anonymity. How long has this being going on? Well on and off for three weeks. But it’s not like I have posted anything yet. I mean I could just delete the recording and we could go back to normal. Like it used to be before.
And that is as far as I got in the 10 minutes that I allowed for myself to procrastinate from studying for my last final exam for this semester. Not 10 minutes all up nooooooooo that would actually be inhuman. Even as a perfectionist I am not crazy enough to expect that from anyone. Just the 10 minutes that I allowed for typing out a brain wave that I had for a blog post. Many many minutes were lost through procrastinating via other methods that may or may not have included youtube.

But anyway that is in the past now, I still studied a lot and exams are over. I just finished my last one. And what better way to distract oneself from pondering what one may or may not have done in that exam than by train blogging? Especially since the above hypothetical conversation between my blog and I is not entirely fictional.

Yes, that’s right. I InsertNameHere got a video camera, thanks mum. Now as I like to consider myself an aspiring actor and scriptwriter and director etc. you can understand that a video camera has been on my list of wants for a very long time. But the thing about video cameras is that they are notorious for being that thing that you buy (a lot of the time before an overseas vacation) that you think you will use all the time and then never use again except for maybe that family reunion that everyone would actually prefer to forget. Then there is the fact that I have had this blog for a year now and I have only posted 17 times (including this post), so what does that say about my commitment to anything I do? So, you can also probably understand why I am a little afraid that my video camera will end up a dust collecting ornament. BUT, I am determined to not let that happen.

So then what will I do with my awesome camera? Well I could just film everything ever, like that movie but without the superpowers and death and I am considering that option but recognise that it may not be the most socially acceptable one. Then there is the vlog (and the awkward moment when my computer views “vlog” as an incorrectly spelt word, get with the program computer this is not cave man times… I’m kidding computer please don’t crash or anything). The above possible youtube included some videos by the Vlog brothers (I would like to note one was directly related to one of my exams so technically studying) and them The Lizzie Bennet Diaries which is amazing, so amazing in fact that I used its actual name in my post as opposed to calling it the emmy awards winning vlog series based on one of the most well-known Jane Austen novels. And I thought hey that is something I could do. I then looked up how many people actually do that (list of well-known youtube personalities) and saw that a lot of people do. Which really means any attempt I made would most likely be considered unoriginal and so late for the party that no one even remembers having one. But who am I to let that stop me. If I want to have a vlog I should. I mean I was late to the party with the blog and yet as I type this out I feel better than I have in a long time.

But, do I really want a vlog, there is not anonymity with one, they see your face. Would I willingly post a video of me talking to a camera, bad acne and all onto the internet where it stays FOREVER. What if something I think is really cool isn’t or a say something I later regret. Now both issues are things I face with this blog and I do attempt to not say anything that I would not be comfortable saying in real life but a vlog feels kinda different. There would also be nothing to stop me for shamelessly promoting it, which means people I know might see it and what if it is stupid?

Plus, what would a vlog mean for this blog, I mean I could make the blog not anonymous (because I have been doing such a good job at keeping it a secret… not) but do I want that? But with the amount of free time I have I could not do both, plus I would run out of ideas and then when I had one of my rare ideas I would have to decide whether to blog or vlog it.

Just another example of how I over complicate things. But then again, I would much rather have this to worry about then exams.

Oh how the freedom tastes so sweet.
Till next time (Hopefully not too far away).

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