Tuesday 2 July 2013

Making The World A More Complicated Place One Thought At A Time

I fear I have done the unforgivable. I Insert Name Here have become addicted to a Facebook game. Actually this is not the first time that it has happened but I as a rule generally avoid Facebook games. But a lot rules get broken during study break. I feel embarrassed about this slip up because I think that if people saw that I play the game they will think that I don't have a life. For the record I don't think that when I see that my friends play Facebook games but of course my thinking is irrational like the silly teenage girl that I am.

So I set the settings so that only I can see anything that game posts which usually is fine but with this particular game (which I will not name for fear that I might say something offensive about it) once you get to a curtain point to continue you have to get three people (other players I think but you may send requests to non players) to 'help' you get to the next part of the game. Now helping you is as simple as clicking the button to say they accept your request but as I an about to try and explain the whole thing gets quite nerve-racking.

So there are two groups of people you would consider. The first is your semi close friends that are non players. These are the people who care enough about you to take the time to pretend to play the game and accept the request but don't care enough to worry about the fact that you have spent hours getting to this point and that by them helping you they will be enabling this new addiction. The second group is of course other addicts, your friends who are already players. The first targets would be those who are past you in the game firstly because someone had to help them across so they kinda owe it to the world to help others and secondly because these are the hard core addicts who will see helping you as an opportunity, if they help you, you will help them when they need to get across to future levels. So what you have is this group of people secretly bonded by the same dirty little secret relying on each other for our next 'hit' as it were.

Now the sad thing is probably not the fact that I or anyone else play the game but how much thought I personally have put into the politics of playing it. Like I said to help you get across the all the person has to do is click their mouse. It's not like I'm asking for something big so why am I so worried about who I ask, these people are my friends!!! Being self conscious makes life so much more complicated.

Also like I said this is an addiction, I don't even like the game anymore. Well I do but in some self destructive way not in a fun way. Like I have mentioned in previous posts, I have an addictive personality. It's a good thing that that the things I expose myself to and become addicted to are limited to relatively harmless things like T.V shows and Internet based games.

So as you can see I'm using my holiday time in an extremely productive manner. (Please note the sarcasm, I'm no that deluded)
In the time it has taken  for me to write this post my lives have been slowly replenishing so once I press publish I will painfully use them up and then go have lunch.

Maybe next time I'm about to start playing a Facebook game I will stop and think before I go down this dark road again. Who am I kidding, after the first level I will be hooked.

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