Monday 15 July 2013

Self Revelations Triggered By Weekend Activities

I'm forcing myself to write a post because I'm afraid that if I don't do one soon I will give up on the whole blog thing. It's not that I have no ideas its just that when I actually sit down at the computer what seemed like a really good idea a minute ago suddenly seems like the stupidest thing in the world. Mainly I don't think I will give the idea justice and it will be underdeveloped. When I decided to start this thing I was in a mood where my brain was just buzzing with ideas and I felt like I could achieve anything, it made it really easy to write, now not so much. My brain is just felling a little blah. But here goes.

So on Saturday I went and played mini-golf. Now I know I said this wouldn't be a diary but it exposed an interesting part of my personality which I would like to pick apart for the world to see. The thing is I hated it. I have asked to be excused from ever playing mini-golf again. Why? Well for one I sucked at it. Now I have never been good at anything related to sport and the hand eye coordination stuff and I accept that, but there is nothing like not being able to use a mini-golf club to hit a golf ball so that it rolls into a hole 1-2 meters away to make you feel like the worlds biggest failure. The concept is so simple how can someone be bad at it? Now there are two things that make the whole process worse. First mini-golf is usually an activity chosen when you have a group of people of different ages and the weather is too good to justify going 10 pin bowling (might I add another thing I am not good at), it's individual and competitive. So it's not nice when everyone else got a hole in 2 hits when you  stopped counting at 7. The second thing is the scoring system. Whereas in 10 pin bowling each point is an achievement, in mini-golf the aim is to get the lowest score. That means that every time you go to swing the club you are in effect preparing to do worse at the game. There is no time to just have fun with it.

Now this is all very theoretical because in reality it was just me and my mum playing mini-golf because we had some vouchers that needed to be used up. This was good because I didn't have to hide my disappointment. I would play each hole until I got what I considered to be an acceptable score. I admit that this was childish I'm too old to be the kid who tips up the board game just because they are losing, but in reality on my second go I would almost always half my original score. And hey I got my money's worth and I didn't hold anyone up so why shouldn't I give myself a chance to do better. I would like to point out that if I had been with friends I would suck it up and laugh off my failure so I am embarrassed that I had 18 mini tantrums in a 1 hour period.

So why does not being good at mini-golf bother me? I mean who really cares? And considering that I have played it on average no more than once a year it's not surprising that I didn't magically become a golfing master. Why cannot I lose gracefully and accept that I have other talents (mostly of an academic nature)?

I have to accept that my ability to play mini-golf is not a reflection on my worth or success as a person.
Wow, how deep of me. = P Still from now on if ever someone suggests we go mini-golfing I will suggest we see a movie.

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