Monday 21 April 2014

Only I Can Make Relaxing This Complicated

So, I had this plan.
Generally each post takes me quite me quite a while so I done post that often. Because I should be doing something useful, but I don’t want to, because you know the thing about useful stuff? They are generally the most boring tasks. You know the ones, the ones that involve reading textbooks and work and an assessment on how well you achieved the goal (which quite frankly you never got and still haven’t even though you have spent a whole week doing the stupid thing).

Yeah, there is a lot of angst surrounding my educational pursuits these days. IT SHOULDN'T BE THIS SOUL CRUSHING!!!!!!!!!!! 

I apologise for the inconsistent font, blogger is being difficult. It is not by choice.

The thing is, I like to tell people that I write a blog, a super-secret anonymous blog. But since I have not posted in like forever (my original goal was to post at least once a month. Yeah, nah not going to happen) well I’m starting to feel like saying I write a blog would be a lie. Hence I must post.

That is not to say that I have not wanted to post. I have, I spend valuable time planning posts that never eventuate because I don’t have the time or motivation or confidence to write them down.
So why are a posting now you ask.

Well let me tell you.

I am currently sitting in a so called “Luxury Motel.” I know I usually have a policy of not naming names but I will break this rule (it probably won’t matter since barely anyone reads this anyway). It is called “The Salty-Dog Inn”, generally the company with this name specialises in fishing bait but I suppose they are branching out (they really shouldn’t).

Now generally I am a glass half empty type of person but I have had a rough time lately. Uni is more awful than usual and I have so much to do that it makes me feel physically sick. So after a week of trying to do work over the mid semester break and failing miserably. Feeling like my whole life is a failure, only finding joy in  television (which in itself is depressing on reflection) and dealing with computer viruses (which means I know longer think highly of my previous anti-virus software which shall remain nameless) I was hoping that I could relax in luxury with my family for one night.  

The thing is there is no full kitchen as promised; the TV is the smallest sole TV for any place that I have seen in a long time, they promised sky (but the sky options are limited to 3 channels) and only one of the free to air channels actually works.

The microwave is broken.
The toaster is broken.
The toilet is broken and actually installed illegally according to my father.

The place is generally just kinda old and the cleaning is sup par.

Now you could say that I was just being picky but as you know I like my TV and so I look forward to the prospect of watching good TV (sky has that connotations) on a high quality TV set.

I don’t know, even though the place sounds like one of those shady motels that would be a setting for a case in one of those forensic shows that I follow it promised luxury so I hoped for luxury. And, anyway tomorrow I have to go back to reality and try to do work again and I don’t want to.

So am sitting here drinking wine and blogging at the request of a person who reads this blog.
That’s right you heard it. This blog officially has a reader who actually enjoys the experience. And not the disclaimer where I tell you that I am related to so called fan of the blog who has actually tried to distract me from completing this post (so that’s counterproductive).

Anyway, so back to my plan (the one I mentioned at the beginning of this post but never properly explained) I was going to limit my time to writing a post to only 15 minutes and show how much I typed in each minute so that you as the ready could follow my panic to write anything interesting minute by minute (I promise it was going to be more entertaining than it sounds) but I can’t type that fast since to this point it have taken almost an hour to type this much.

But I am now going to the main building of this complex to use the free Wi-Fi (yay) to post this and then watch some TV online without guilt because I AM ON HOLIDAY!!! (I feel guilty already) so the night is not a compete bust.

May tomorrow be better than today.
Note: that may be considered a quote from a book that I read once but on reflection hate bar this line. No copywrite intended but it may be better that I don't name the book, since I just admitted to hating it.

Cya Peoples

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