Wednesday 5 June 2013

One Of The Many Reasons I Would Make A Really Bad Superhero

So I’m trying to get in the habit of posting regularly which means that some posts will be boring (or at least more boring than others). I suppose it’s kind of awkward for me to start making excuses about the quality of something I haven’t even written yet; I have a feeling that I learnt somewhere that doing so actually makes the whole thing worse. Like because I warn you it might be boring you actually think that it is boring even if you might not have otherwise.

In that case the following is the most SUPER FREAKING AMAZING blog you will ever read in your life!!!!!!!! It’s full of drama, action, heartbreak and will leave you on the edge of your seat till the very last word. (On a side note recently I watched a movie where the DVD cover quoted reviews which all claimed that the movie was in a nutshell quite possibly the best movie ever made. It was the most boring two hours of my life. Maybe the reviewers’ were so upset that they had to sit through such a movie that they wanted as many people as possible to go through the pain that they had. It honestly felt like some kind of sick joke. I don’t know if I could ever trust a review again.)

Anyway as good or bad the following is it should be of note that the idea for the content of this post just came to me recently and before that I had fully intended to wow the world with a story about how our new smoke alarm will be set off by almost anything except an ACTUAL FIRE. (I’m experimenting with the use of caps just for aesthetic variety I do apologize)

So here’s the thing. This blog is meant to be anonymous.  It is that way because I don’t want people to judge it based on their knowledge of me or judge me based on what they have read on the blog. (Which is really funny considering that it is practically impossible to even find this blog the only way I can find it is because it is mine and comes up automatically when I log in) The problem is I am useless and mean absolutely useless at keeping a secret. Now I don’t mean that I’m not trustworthy cos I am and in fact I can keep secrets about other people. But, I seem to have this weird need to tell people about my life, like I’m somehow being deceitful if I don’t even trivial things. I think that in this case it’s an effort to somehow seen interesting in real life. I've been using the fact that I have recently started a blog as a joke to illustrate the level of procrastination I am currently at. But it kinda defeats the whole purpose. So if somehow someone I know stumbles onto this page they will go “hey, an anonymous blog that was started real recently, did Insert Name Here say that she had just started one?” And anonymous it is no longer. That is assuming that people actually listen when I talk to them. I talk a lot and the things I find fascinating are not usually what the rest of the world thinks is so I wouldn't blame them if they did zone out. This inability to control what some would term to be verbal diarrhea is one reason why I would make a really bad super hero. You know how they have to keep their real identity a secret even if it means not being honest to those they care about just to keep them safe? Or because the cops think that they are some vigilante nutcase and want to arrest them? Well I would not last two minutes.

Now I have noticed the irony (it’s probably not actually irony but that is the word I am going with) in the fact that I know I have an issue with taking too much and about stupid aspects of my life so I decide to post this problem on the internet. On a blog which is dedicated to basically me talking more about myself and anything that goes on in my brain in the hope that someone will find it interesting. I would like to think that I’m not a self-absorbed person but the evidence is beginning to suggest otherwise. I suppose it is a little difficult when you’re not really taking to anyone.

You know what I would actually like to know more about what goes on in other peoples’ brains. Maybe if we all kept a blog we would realize that maybe we are as crazy as we think. Or maybe we will just despair at the human condition.

Either way I’m sure it will fill in some hours that could be used to do something more useful and pressing.  

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